GOLINE avails itself of highly qualified consultants specialising in IT security and cybercrime.
The term “Computer Forensic” refers to the investigation of cybercrime, including the collection and analysis of electronic evidence and its production in court.
The advent of the Internet has led to the need to rely on professionals with ample knowledge of the appropriate methods of treating and managing electronic evidence to be used in judicial investigations.
Cyber security, that is the protection of the information present in IT systems, is of fundamental importance for companies and organisations.
Such systems, despite the most effective security measures being taken by companies, may be hacked by people (hackers) who, either from the outside or inside, manage to access them with the purpose of seizing, deleting or changing the information they contain.
GOLINE offers its consultancy services to companies, law enforcement authorities and security forces.
This activity is performed alongside law enforcement authorities and involves identifying, copying, keeping and authenticating the evidence of cybercrime.