There are two places to look in the registry:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices this path should contain gpsvc key (a folder), which is responsible for service parameters and configuration. I found that the key was intact, so, you do not touch anything here – just check that the key exists.
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionSVCHOST This is the most important path you should look into, as it must contain the keys and values referred in the key #1. Below are descriptions what must be present there.
- There must be Multi-String value called GPSvcGroup. My laptop was missing it. So, you should create multi-string value named GPSvcGroup and assign it value GPSvc.
- Next, you must create a key (a folder) and name it GPSvcGroup – this key normally should be there, but, again, it was missin on my laptop.
- Then open newly-created GPSvcGroup folder and create 2 DWORD values:
- First called AuthenticationCapabilities and you must give it a value of 0x00003020 (or 12320 in decimal)
- Second is called CoInitializeSecurityParam and it must have value of 1.
Once you complete all steps above, reboot the computer and the problem will be fixed.