Cisco ASR 1002 - Upgrade ROMMON | GOLINE
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Cisco ASR 1002 – Upgrade ROMMON

Paolo Caparrelli Cisco 22 June 2022

 The hw-module slot slot reload command cannot be used to reload an active RP. If you must reload an active RP to complete a ROMmon upgrade, reload the RP using one of the following methods:
- Run the reload command to reload the entire router.
- Force a switchover using the redundancy force-switchover command, and then run the hw-module slot slot reload command on the RP after it has become the standby RP.


Note The ROMmon upgrade is not permanent for any piece of hardware until a Cisco IOS XE Release 12.2(33r)XND1 or newer image is booted. If ROMmon is configured to manually boot on your system, run the boot command to boot the Cisco IOS XE image and make the upgrade permanent.


Step 6 Run the show platform command or the show rom-monitor slot command for each RP, ESP, MIP, and SIP in the router to confirm that the ROMmon has been upgraded.

Example of Upgrading the ROMmon for a Single RP, ESP, MIP, or SIP on a Router

The following sequence of commands is an example of the procedure to upgrade the ROMmon for a single RP, ESP, MIP, or SIP on a router:

Note The release numbers of ROMmon mentioned in this example are for illustrative purposes only.


Router# show platform
Chassis type: MCP4RU
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
——— ——————- ——————— —————–
0 MCP-CC ok 00:03:02
0/3 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 00:00:37
R0 ASR1000-RP1* ok, active 00:03:02
F0 ASR1000-ESP10* ok, active 00:03:02
P0 Unknown ps, fail never
P1 Unknown ps, fail never
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
——— ——————- —————————————
0 07091401 15.0(1r)S
R0 09081701 15.2(1r)S
F0 07051650 15.2(1r)S
Router# copy usb0:asr1000-rommon.152-1r.S.pkg bootflash:
Destination filename [asr1000-rommon.152-1r.S.pkg]?
1253680 bytes copied in 1.977 secs (634133 bytes/sec)
Router# dir bootflash:
Directory of bootflash:/
11 drwx 16384 Aug 19 2009 23:27:51 +00:00 lost+found
14657 drwx 4096 Aug 19 2009 23:39:21 +00:00.ssh
73281 drwx 4096 Oct 12 2011 01:20:10 +00:00.prst_sync
58625 drwx 4096 Aug 19 2009 23:39:38 +00:00.rollback_timer
29313 drwx 4096 Aug 19 2009 23:40:52 +00:00.installer
12 -rw- 1253680 Oct 12 2011 01:23:56 +00:00 asr1000-rommon.152-1r.S.pkg
14 -rw- 4096 Jul 12 2010 22:50:55 +00:00.debug..swp
16 -rw- 1263920 Jul 20 2010 22:06:15 +00:00 rp1-rommon
19 -rwx 68272 Jul 13 2010 01:18:05 +00:00 debugfs
42 -rw- 1270064 Jul 21 2010 01:08:36 +00:00 asr1000-rommon.150-1r.S.pkg
48 -rw- 3338 Feb 25 2011 21:38:34 +00:00 README_dotfiles
50 -r– 2391 Jul 17 2011 03:22:23 +00:00 debug.conf
945377280 bytes total (893399040 bytes free)
Router# upgrade rom-monitor filename bootflash:asr1000-rommon.152-1r.S.pkg
Devi farlo su tutti e tre i componenti (0 r0 f0)
Upgrade rom-monitor on SPA-Inter-Processor 0
Target copying rom-monitor image file
Checking upgrade image…
1966080+0 records in
3840+0 records out
Upgrade image MD5 signature is 119275e3054c3cfdc0f32a2a334dd253
Burning upgrade partition…
1966080+0 records in
1966080+0 records out
Checking upgrade partition…
1966080+0 records in
1966080+0 records out
Upgrade flash partition MD5 signature is 119275e3054c3cfdc0f32a2a334dd253
ROMMON upgrade complete.
To make the new ROMMON permanent, you must restart the linecard.
Router# hw-module slot 0 reload
<Reload bootup output removed for brevity. In this example, it is assumed that autoboot is enabled on the router.>
Router# show platform
Chassis type: MCP4RU
Slot Type State Insert time (ago)
——— ——————- ——————— —————–
0 MCP-CC ok 00:03:02
0/3 SPA-2X1GE-V2 ok 00:00:37
R0 ASR1000-RP1* ok, active 00:03:02
F0 ASR1000-ESP10* ok, active 00:03:02
P0 Unknown ps, fail never
P1 Unknown ps, fail never
Slot CPLD Version Firmware Version
——— ——————- —————————————
0 07091401 15.2(1r)S
R0 07062111 15.2(1r)S
F0 07051680 15.2(1r)S
Router# show rom-monitor r0
System Bootstrap, Version 15.2(1r)S, RELEASE SOFTWARE
Copyright (c) 1994-2011 by cisco Systems, Inc.

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