Nostro dominio cluster: config.vcls.clusters.domain-c223823.enabled
Retreat Mode steps
Using the vSphere Client
- Log in to the vSphere Client.
- Navigate to the cluster on which vCLS has to be disabled. Copy the cluster domain id from the URL of the browser. It should be similar to 'domain-c<number>'.
You only need to copy domain-c<number> part of the URL. Using other values, for example the cluster UUID, or a combination of the cluster ID and the UUID, will result in vpxd failing to start when you next restart it. Therefore please be careful to only use the ID domain-c<number>.
For example: When you navigate to cluster in vSphere client, your URL will be similar to this: https://<fqdn-of-vCenter-server>/ui/app/cluster;nav=h/urn:vmomi:ClusterComputeResource:domain-c8:eef257af-fa50-455a-af7a-6899324fabe6/summary. You only need to copy domain-c8 to use in the steps below. - Navigate to the vCenter Server and then to Configure tab.
- Click on Advanced setting section and then on Edit settings button.
- Add a new entry with name = config.vcls.clusters.domain-c<number>.enabled and value = False.
Note: True and False are case insensitive, so any case of these two values should be accepted.
- Click Save.
- vCLS monitoring service will initiate the clean-up of vCLS VMs and user will start noticing the tasks with the VM deletion.
- If this cluster has DRS enabled, then it will not be functional and additional warning will be displayed in the cluster summary. DRS will be disabled until vCLS is re-enabled on this cluster.
- To remove Retreat Mode from the cluster, change the value to True in step# 5 above.
Note: True and False are case insensitive, so any case of these two values should be accepted.
- Once you configure retreat mode on a cluster, the entry for the cluster will stay in the vCenter Advanced Settings. There is no way to delete this entry from vSphere Client, there will be no issue with keeping this entry.