VMware Horizon Certificate for Composer self-made with Microsoft CA | GOLINE
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VMware Horizon Certificate for Composer self-made with Microsoft CA

Paolo Caparrelli VMware 22 June 2022

Generating a Horizon View SSL certificate request using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Certificates snap-in (2068666)


This article provides information on using the tools already installed on your Windows server (the MMC Certificates snap-in) to generate an SSL certificate request for View Connection Servers and View Security Servers.


To generate an SSL certificate request using the MMC Certificates snap-in:

  1. Open the Microsoft Managment Console (MMC):

    1. Click Start.
    2. In the Search box, type mmc.
    3. Click mmc.exe.

  2. Click File > Add/Remove Snapin.
  3. Click Certificates > Add > OK.
  4. Select Computer Account and click Next.
  5. Ensure Local Computer is selected, then click Finish > OK.
  6. Expand Certificates (Local Computer).
  7. Right-click Personal, then click Select All Tasks > Advanced Operations > Create Custom Request.
  8. In the Certificate Enrollment section, click Next.
  9. Select Proceed without enrollment policy and click Next.
  10. In the Custom Request section, select (No Template) Legacy Key in the dropdown.
  11. Ensure PKCS #10 is selected and click Next.
  12. In the Certificate Information section, click arrow button next to Details and click Properties.
  13. In the General tab, type vdm into the Friendly Name field.
  14. Click the Subject tab.
  15. In the Subject Name field, enter the information below.

    Note: Click Add after entering the information for each Type.

    • Type = Common Name
      Value = FQDN of View Server

    • Type = Country
      Value = 2-character country code (for example: US)

    • Type = Locality
      Value = Your city location

    • Type = Organization
      Value = Your company

    • Type = Organization Unit
      Value = your department (for example: IT)

    • Type = State
      Value = 2-character state code (for example: CA)

  16. After entering all the Type information, click OK.
  17. Click the Private Key tab.
  18. Click Key Options > Key Size, and set the value to 2048.
  19. Click Key Options and ensure Make Private Key Exportable is selected.
  20. Click OK > Next.
  21. Save the offline request in an easy to remember location. For example, c:certreq.
  22. Use the certreq.req file to obtain a certificate from your third-party SSL Certificate Authority (CA).

    Note: Most Certificate Authorities require you to open the request file in a plain text editor and copy all the text into their web page. Ensure there are no leading or trailing spaces.

Import the signed certificate

Download the certificate from the Certificate Authority.

Note: Download the Tomcat version and/or P7B if available, or the certificate and the bundle depending on how your Certificate Authority provides it.

On the server you performed the certificate request on:
  1. Open the MMC Certificates snap-in for the Local Computer account.
  2. Expand Personal Folder and right-click Certificate Folder, then click Select All Tasks > Import.
  3. In the Welcome to the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.
  4. Browse and select the Certificate File you wish to import, then click Open.
  5. Ensure that these options are always selected when available:

    • Mark the Private Key Exportable
    • Import all Extended Properties
    • Import all Certificate in the Chain

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate and click Next.
  8. Complete the Certificate Import Wizard and click Finish.
  9. Important: Ensure there is a key icon on the new certificate. The icon indicates that the Private Key is stored in the certificate store you imported the signed certificate to. If you do not see the key icon, you are missing the private key on this certificate store.

Export a signed certificate to import on another server

On the Server the signed certificate with exportable private key is installed:
  1. Right-click the Certificate and click Select All Tasks > Export.
  2. In the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next.
  3. Export the private key.

    Note: If the export option is grayed out, you must import the private key again with the Mark the Private Key as Exportable option selected. For more information, see the section above.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Select these options:
    • Personal Information Exchange – PKCS #12 (.PFX)
    • Export all Extended Properties
    • Include all Certificates in the certification path if possible
  6. Type and confirm a password.

    Note: Ensure you make a note of the password you choose. It will be used when you want to import this PFX file.

  7. Click Next.
  8. Enter a file name (.pfx) in the File Name field, then click Next > Finish.

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