1- Use a Linux machine with openssl
2- Generate RSA 2048bits key
openssl genrsa -out unity_05_23.pk 2048
3- Edit .cnf file (goline.cnf) with oppurtune values (only the fields below are needed)
DNS.1 = unity-xt
DNS.2 = unity-xt.yourdomain.local
4- Run command for request generation
openssl req -new -key unity_05_23.pk -out unity_05_23.csr -config goline.cnf
5- Open the .csr file with notepad, copy and paste the request to internal CA
6- Rename certificate "*.cer" to "unity_05_23.crt"
7- Enable SSH Unity from web interface (System –> Service –> Service Tasks–> Enable SSH)
N.B.: Requires admin password
8- Connect using SSH to unity.
N.B.: Use as username "service" and admin's password
9- Move with Moba/WinSCP the ".pk" and ".crt" files to "/home/service/user"
10- Run command below to upload certificate
svc_custom_cert unity_05_23
– The web interface will restart automatically (does not create downtime)
- The command in step 10 should be run without file extension, type only the filename
- In case it is not clear from the procedure above, the filenames of the ".pk" and ".crt" files must be the same.